The Government of the Balearic Islands has developed the current domain to unify in a single web page all the information about the present anchor zones in the Balearics.
The aim is to regularize the anchorage, to ensure the protection of the seabed and prevent the users from doing any unauthorized anchorage with its further prejudice and impact.
All anchor zones along our coastline –both directly and indirectly managed- are displayed on this web page.
The information is complemented by a map and a legend showing anchor zones in and off port areas. Reservations should be made through the commissioned organization responsible for each zone.
Hereby you will also find enclosed a link containing a list featuring buoy fields, classified by each one of the Balearic Islands.
The Balearic Island Govern dispose to navigators of our coast this web page in order to dispose an useful and practice information for helping in anchor in our shores. This web gather contact information concerning to anchoring areas fields.